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Sermon Illustrations about Kindness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Kindness to help bring your sermon to life.

The Addictive Nature of Kindness

Kindness can be addictive and one small gesture can start a chain reaction of kindness according to readers of The Wall Street Journal who have written ...

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A Stranger’s Words Saved a Woman’s Life

A young woman named Trieste Belmont was struggling with depression. Her grandmother had just passed, and she was going through a dramatic break-up. She ...

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Infant on Plane Given Gift by Passenger

When Jake and Kelly Levine boarded their flight, they were hoping their five-month-old daughter Romey would be able to behave appropriately. Kelly said, ...

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People Regret Saying ‘Make Yourself at Home’

Hosting friends and family from out of town always sounds good in theory, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. Two-thirds of Americans have ...

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Are Ride-Sharing Ratings Fake?

Ride sharing apps (like Uber and Lyft) ratings have become almost meaningless. A recent report says, “Confusion over what constitutes 5-star behavior ...

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Exploring Why Atheists Converted to Christ

In her book Atheists Finding God: Unlikely Stories of Conversions to Christianity in the Contemporary West, Jana Harmon explored why atheists came to ...

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City Restricts Access to Sea Lions

The San Diego City Council has unanimously voted to restrict public access to Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach, a popular sea lion rookery, in an effort ...

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Stories of Kindness Ease Bad News

Kathryn Buchanan was driving to work when she heard horrific news on the radio: Twenty-two people were killed in a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande ...

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What Can I Do to Help You?

Mike Huddleston was traveling for a training. He had flown from Maryland to San Francisco and needed to get to a rental car agency. But because of a degenerative ...

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Lincoln Cared for Three Kittens at the Battlefront

Near the end of the Civil War, there was a touching scene that showed the gentleness and tenderness of President Abraham Lincoln. While he was visiting ...

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