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Sermon Illustrations about Judging others

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Judging others to help bring your sermon to life.

Zoom Court Driver Unfairly Maligned

One of the lasting byproducts of the worldwide pandemic is the fact that many face-to-face institutional interactions of modern life have been conveniently ...

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The Human Library

In the spring of 2000, a unique library was established in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's called the Menneskebiblioteket, which is Danish for, “The ...

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Internet Jokers Regret Royal Rumors

Because the British royal family lives under constant media scrutiny, it’s usual for any member of the family to stay out of the limelight for an ...

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Worker Sues Google for Discrimination

For years, Jalon Hall was touted as a bright spot for Google’s reputation for diversity. Hall is an African American deaf woman, and had been highlighted ...

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Are You an Illuminator or Diminisher?

I’ve noticed along the way of life that some people are much better at seeing people than others are. In any collection of humans, there are diminishers ...

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Restaurant Closes Due to Biased Complaint

The northeast Portland location of Pho Gabo, a family-owned Vietnamese restaurant, was forced to close after the restaurant received an anonymous complaint ...

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Diversity: A Byproduct of Great Storytelling

According to Alyssa Mercante at video game site Kotaku, many gamers today lament what they perceive to be woke culture running amok. According to them, ...

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‘Beauty’ Brings Special Privileges

Beauty has its privileges. Studies reliably show that the most physically attractive among us tend to get more attention from parents, better grades in ...

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Behind the Slowest Person in the Checkout Line

Garret Keizer was asked by his minister to visit an elderly parishioner, Pete, in a nursing home. Garret finds out that Pete loves bananas, so he starts ...

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Tips to Avoid Family Holiday Drama

In today's highly politicized media climate, various opinions surround several ongoing conflicts. These conflicts include the ongoing war in the Middle ...

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