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Sermon Illustrations about Insecurity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Insecurity to help bring your sermon to life.

Fortune 500 Companies are Shockingly Transitory

In his new book, Jeff Meyers writes:

Human institutions are impor­tant, but they don't last forever. Human institutions, not just our individual ...

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Purposelessness Is Increasing Male Suicides

In his book Of Boys and Men, researcher Richard Reeves writes, “Men are much more likely to commit suicide than women. This is a worldwide long-standing ...

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A Rebellious Teenager Finds Forgiveness

Wayward teenage years and a surprise pregnancy had Christine Scheller fearing she had lost her salvation. She shares her story in an issue of CT magazine: ...

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The World’s a Mess; Spend Money NOW!

Many adults under 35 have stopped playing it safe with money. Instead of banking as much of their pay as they used to, they’re saving less, spending ...

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Americans Worry About Money Far Too Much

Writing in the Atlantic, author and researcher Arthur C. Brooks says, “Money is one of the things Americans worry about most in the world.” ...

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The Great Millennial Blood Pressure Problem

You know the person. You work with them, or you’re friends with them, or maybe you even that person. They are youngish. Fit-ish. Always tracking ...

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Hundreds of Suicidal Teens Sleep in ERs Every Night

Last spring, a 15-year-old girl was rushed by her parents to the emergency department at Boston Children’s Hospital. She had marks on both wrists ...

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President Lincoln Wasn’t Tied to ‘Opinion Polls’

Wall Street Journal writer Joseph Epstein notes that the opinion poll has been around for more than a century. They gained authority in the 1940s with ...

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The Family with No Fingerprints

22-year-old Apu Sarker lives with his family in a village in northern Bangladesh. His father and his grandfather were farmers. The men in Apu's family ...

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Demi Lovato: ‘Living for Affirmation Does Not Fill the Void in Our Heart’

Demi Lovato and the Australian singer/songwriter Sam Fisher recently collaborated on a piece titled “What Other People Say” that reveals this ...

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