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Sermon Illustrations about Influence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Influence to help bring your sermon to life.

Half of Chicagoans See Gun Violence Before Age 40

Gun violence is an ongoing problem in the city of Chicago. Now, a new study finds 56% of the city’s Black and Hispanic population, and 25% of Whites, ...

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Are Kids Sad and Stressed Because Their Parents Are?

In a New York Times editorial, David French notes the frequent conversations he has with parents of teenagers about the teen mental health crisis in America. ...

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Crass Mob Mentality Traced to Counterculture Comedy

Washington Post columnist Ty Burr believes the current American political climate is characterized by a sense of crass rule-breaking and flagrant boorishness. ...

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Sociologist Extols Positive Work of Christian Missionaries

Sociologist Robert Woodberry has identified a robust statistical correlation between “conversionary Protestant” missionary activity and the ...

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Low Doses of Sin

Many have discussed whether or not radiation from cell phones causes cancer. Author Douglas Fields writes about the fact that some people are fearful ...

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The People Cheering for Humanity's End

Climate anxiety and environmental destruction have been added to the list of apocalyptic fears. Nuclear war is now no longer our only worry. A large group ...

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Football Team Takes Stand Against Gun Violence

Amidst updates about the spring football season, the official Twitter account for the University of Oregon football team posted an unusual video. It featured ...

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Former Legislator Arrested in Bribery Probe

When people refer to political corruption in American politics as a cesspool, it’s usually just a metaphor. But in one recent case, the term could ...

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College Students Suffer Alcohol-Related Consequences

It’s no secret that many college students spend much of their four years at school drinking way more than they probably should. Now, a new study ...

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The Childhood Agony of Missing a Father

The writer and actor Daniel Beaty recalled a childhood game he played until he was three. When Beaty’s father knocked at his bedroom door in the ...

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