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Sermon Illustrations about Indifference

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Indifference to help bring your sermon to life.

German Christians Sang Hymns While Jews Were Hauled Away

In his book When a Nation Forgets God, Erwin Lutzer retells one Christian's story of living in Hitler's Germany. The man wrote:

I lived in Germany ...

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Chuck Colson: Life Is More than Money, Power, and Pleasure

Charles Colson tells the following story about his home town of Naples, Florida, which he calls "one of the garden spots of the world."

It's ...

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Many Cultures Still Don't Have a Word for Boredom

Science writer Winifred Gallagher argues that what we call boredom (which she defines as "the unpleasant sense that there is nothing that interests ...

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Guide Tells River Rafters: Stay in the Rough Water

Palmer Chinchen writes in “True Religion”:

My brothers and I had traveled to the western edge of Zimbabwe to raft the Zambezi River. We boarded ...

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Policies Prevent Firefighters from Saving Drowning Man

In June, 2011, the city of Alemeda, California, immediately changed its policies after first responders stood by and watched a man drown in San Francisco ...

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Photojournalist Continues Taking Pictures as Woman Drowns

One video version of the NPR radio show This American Life captured the story of a prize-winning photojournalist. At one point he soberly confessed that ...

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We Imitate What We Admire or Worship

G. K. Beale writes in “We Become What We Worship”:

When my two daughters, Hannah and Nancy, were about two- or three- years-old, I noticed ...

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Man Gives to Beggar for Wrong Reason

Author Ed Dobson wrote a book titled The Year of Living Like Jesus, in which he tells the story in diary form of how he tried to live as Jesus lived and ...

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"Civil Lunatics" Reveal a Disturbing Piece of Human Nature

As human beings, we have an amazing capacity for ignoring the things that make us uncomfortable. We ignore symptoms of deteriorating health until something ...

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"Seinfeld": Every Man for Himself

Seinfeld is a popular television comedy based on the humor of comedian Jerry Seinfeld. In an episode entitled "The Fire," Jerry's friend, ...

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