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Sermon Illustrations about Hear

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hear to help bring your sermon to life.

Meet Me in the Middle, I Dare You

Rumors have been circulating that Mathew McConaughey might be considering a run for governor of Texas in 2022, and perhaps a higher office after that. ...

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The President Can Text Everyone in the U.S.

The President of the U.S. has the power to push text messages to just about every smartphone in America, anytime he deems it necessary. Who knew? The ...

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'Generation deaf': Hearing Loss Among Millennials

Doctors warn that a steady onslaught of loud noise, particularly through ear buds, is damaging the hearing of a generation wired for sound, although they ...

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Ordinary People Deemed Crazy for 'Hearing Voices'

In1973 the journal Science published an article titled "On Being Sane in Insane Places." It described an experiment in which eight "fake" patients with ...

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Preacher's Rifle Shot Goes in One Ear and Out the Other

Three friends decided to go deer hunting together: a lawyer, a doctor, and a preacher. As they were walking, along came a big buck. The three of them ...

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Sometimes God Shouts

God whispers to us in our well-being; he shouts to us in our suffering.

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Do They Hear You or God?

There's nothing quite as devastating as when someone says, "As I listen to you preach, God does not speak through you."

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Patience Helps Recovery

By listening patiently, you communicate that you see time as an ally of progress, not as an enemy that must be defeated by pushing for quick recovery.

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If You Listen, They Will Come

Those who listen with eyes, face, and heart, as well as mind, never lack people who will beat a path to their ears.

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Listen Slowly

In his book Stress Fractures, Charles Swindoll writes:

I vividly remember some time back being caught in the undertow of too many commitments in too few ...

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