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Sermon Illustrations about Halloween

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Halloween to help bring your sermon to life.

People Trust Ghosts More Than Government

Just how bad are the polls for those in political office right now? It turns out more people are putting their faith in the dead than in living politicians. ...

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More Americans Believe Their House Is Haunted

More Americans believe their home is inhabited by someone or something that isn’t a living being. A study from the company Vivint found that nearly ...

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Fear of Being Buried Alive

Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...

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The Community that Speaks to the Dead

This small, rural community in upstate New York looks like many others in the state. Victorian cottages cozy up to one another and large oaks dot sidewalks. ...

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Houdini vs. The Spiritualists

In the early Twentieth Century, Spiritualism was very popular. Mediums and fortune tellers claimed to be able to make contact with the dead and their ...

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Actor Accidentally Wounds Boy at Haunted House

After a local actor decided to improvise, the scares outside a recent haunted house got a little too real. A 22-year-old actor working at the Cuyahoga ...

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People Did Not Recognize In-Person Celebrity

A few years ago, The Edge, U2's guitarist, took his son out trick-or-treating in L.A. Both The Edge and his son dressed in The Edge's trademark ...

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Pumpkin Spice Air Freshener Causes School Evacuation

'Tis the season for pumpkin spice—but one Baltimore school has probably had quite enough of it for the year.

Recently, the third floor of Cristo ...

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The Psychology of Greed on Halloween

An article in Sociological Images describes researchers who created a Halloween field experiment with the following setup: On Halloween, a woman answers ...

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Norway's New Passion: Ghost Hunting

Like many Europeans, Marianne Haaland Bogdanoff, a travel agency manager in this southern Norwegian town, does not go to church, except maybe at Christmas, ...

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