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Sermon Illustrations about Greatness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Greatness to help bring your sermon to life.

Angelina Jolie on Fame’s Pain and Shallowness

After so many years of fame, the actress Angelina Jolie has resigned herself to some elements of its bargain. The constant gaze of paparazzi means other ...

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Bono on Silence and Surrender

Music icon Bono, lead singer of the popular band U2, tells the Atlantic magazine that lately God has been leading him to desire silence and listen to ...

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Momentary Transcendence in an Ancient Mausoleum

In his book With, author Skye Jethani describes the mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Italy:

Fifteen hundred years ago, the emperor of Rome built a tomb for ...

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NBA’s Kevin Durant on His Fleeting Fame

Pro basketball star Kevin Durant is one of the most famous athletes in the world (at least as of 2021). Durant is a four-time scoring champion, a two-time ...

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Sheriff Roasted on Twitter for Puzzling Boulder Description

In late January, a nondescript Twitter account for the local sheriff’s office started receiving attention from around the nation after it issued ...

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Bono on 'Who Was Christ?'

I think a defining question for a Christian is: Who was Christ? And I don't think you're let off easily by saying a great thinker or a great philosopher, ...

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Story of Forgiven Drunk Driver Moves Beth Moore

In her book Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit, author and speaker Beth Moore recalls a particularly insightful moment in her life: ...

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Master Violinist Goes Unrecognized

Joshua Bell emerged from the Metro and positioned himself against a wall beside a trash basket. By most measures, he was nondescript—a youngish ...

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Billy Graham has a Great Message

Graeme Keith, treasurer of the Billy Graham Association and Billy's lifelong friend, says:

I was on an elevator with Billy when another man in the ...

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All Great Men Born Babies

In The Last Days Newsletter, Leonard Ravenhill tells about a group of tourists visiting a picturesque village who walked by an old man sitting beside ...

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