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Sermon Illustrations about Gift of Righteousness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Gift of Righteousness to help bring your sermon to life.

Gadgets Nag Us to Change Behavior

No matter how hard we try we just can't seem to shed our need to live by law rather than grace. A recent (2013) article in The Wall Street Journal explored ...

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College Admissions Acceptance Sets Student Free

For many Americans, the college admissions process is an oppressive and extraordinarily stressful area of life. A number of years ago, I watched as two ...

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Jockey Wins by Imputing Goodness to His Horse

Editor's Note: The doctrine of imputation involves the idea that God reconciles sinners to himself by declaring them to be righteous on account of ...

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State Treasurer Wants to Give Cash Back

The Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford has initiated a program called "Cash Dash." Here's how an ad in The Chicago Tribune described ...

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God's Love, Like Marital Love, Is Unconditional

Picture this: a bride and groom dashing out of the church, through the showers of birdseed and into the limo, all aglow with the light of love from the ...

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Baseball Pitcher Achieves Perfection … at a Cost

On April 12, 2012, the White Sox's pitcher Philip Humber pitched a perfect game. That is, he retired 27 batters in a row. No walks, no hits. It's ...

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When Our Spiritual Life Resembles a Treadmill

Treadmills are fun if you want to get a little exercise. Unfortunately, for many people, religion feels like running on a treadmill: they're working ...

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Girl Blackmails Her Brother after He Kills a Duck

There is a great story about a little boy who killed his grandmother's pet duck. He accidentally hit the duck with a rock from his sling-shot. The ...

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On Good Days and Bad, We Hope in Christ's Shed Blood

Do you ever have a day that runs something like this? You get up in the morning …. [and] you stub your toe on that nail sticking out of the wall ...

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Tim Keller on Being "Middle-Class in Spirit"

Tim Keller offers the following definition for what Jesus meant by being "poor in spirit":

It means seeing that you are deeply in debt before ...

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