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Sermon Illustrations about Fruitfulness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fruitfulness to help bring your sermon to life.

Life's Mountains and Valleys

Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.

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Branches, Not Vines

Victorious living and effective soul-winning service are not the product of our better selves and hard endeavours, but are simply the fruit of the Holy ...

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Delayed Recognition

On a plaque marking Abraham Lincoln's birthplace near Hodgenville, Kentucky, is recorded this scrap of conversation:

"Any news down t' the ...

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Living Our Prayers

Our lives must be as holy as our prayers. Our prayers are to prove their reality by the fruit they bear in the holiness of our life. True devotion in ...

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What Am I Afraid Of?

When I was a child I was, like most children, afraid of things that go bump in the night. But I told myself (for no good reason) that monsters which lie ...

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Discipline and Abundance

Discipline begets abundance. Abundance, unless we use utmost care, destroys discipline. Discipline in its fall pulls down with it abundance.

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Planning to be Fruitful

My garden has taught me to think ahead. For it to be fruitful, I must plan. I must build soil, plant, and nurture what I have planted. It has also taught ...

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A Prepared Heart

I often think: "A life is like a day; it goes by so fast. If I am so careless with my days, how can I be careful with my life?" I know that ...

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Feeling Isn't Everything

Ecstasy is no guarantee of orthodoxy or that Christian fruit will result.

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Redeeming the Time

During World War II, economist E. F. Schumacher, then a young statistician, worked on a farm. Each day he would count the 32 head of cattle, then turn ...

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