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Sermon Illustrations about Falsehood

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Falsehood to help bring your sermon to life.

Celebrated Frauds

So, your mom's got a Betty Crocker cookbook. So do 55 million others. But did you know Betty never existed? The people at Gold Medal flour invented ...

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Top 10 Lies

Leonard Sweet, in his Soul Cafe newsletter, included this list of "Top 10 Liars' Lies": 10. We'll stay only five minutes. 9. This will be a short meeting. ...

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The Prevalence of Resume Falsification

In the July 15, 1993 Boardroom Reports, Peter LeVine writes: "When the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey ran a help-wanted ad for electricians ...

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There Are No Little White Lies

To lie a little is not possible; whoever lies, lies a whole lie.

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Satan's Two Big Lies

There are two big lies that Satan has been perpetrating ever since the Garden of Eden. The first is that God is mean, vindictive, a spoilsport whose main ...

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Lies' Long Lives

One of the striking differences between a cat and a lie is a cat only has nine lives.

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Words, Words, Words

The Bible tells us that the most vital and yet the most difficult thing to master is our words. It is not so much what goes in one ear and comes out the ...

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The Fickle Crowd

Oliver Cromwell, who took the British throne away from Charles I and established the Commonwealth, said to a friend, "Do not trust to the cheering, ...

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Integrity Can't Be Recovered

Integrity is like virginity--once you lose it, it's gone for good. ... No officer should ever be in a position where he or she fears the truth.

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Always the Winner

Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?

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