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Sermon Illustrations about False Teachers

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on False Teachers to help bring your sermon to life.

Counterfeit Zebras Alleged at Local Zoo

A local student went to the zoo, and was surprised when he took a closer look at the enclosure for the zebras.

Mahmoud Sarhan was motivated to post what ...

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Wild Bobcats Mistaken for Cute Rescue Kittens

A resident of northeast San Antonio found out the hard way that appearances can be misleading.

After rescuing what appeared to be two abandoned kittens, ...

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Which Leader Would You Follow?

In his book Immeasurable, Skye Jethani writes:

Compare two leaders. Leader A lifted an entire nation in a time of despair. He mobilized his people against ...

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How Fake News can Shape Our Thinking

The Wall Street Journal reported a story about how fake news stories and photos can have a powerful impact on shaping our minds and hearts. The story ...

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Police Review Board Makes Course Correction

The City of Portland's Independent Police Review office uncovered a series of shocking revelations in the process of investigating a complaint by a man ...

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Study Debunks Legendary 'Five-Second Rule'

Most people have heard of the "five second rule"—that if food spends just a few seconds on the floor, dirt and germs won't have enough time to contaminate ...

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Expensive Truffle Oil Has No Truffles in It

Nothing boosts the prestige of a food or beverage like the perception that it is traditional, hand-picked, fresh, or otherwise limited in production. ...

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Florida Treasure Hunter Creates Fake Treasure

In April 2016, Harper's Magazine published a fascinating report about a man named Jay Miscovich, who found what he claimed were hundreds of emeralds from ...

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Driver Follows the Wrong Speed

Retired minister and author Bob Russell told the following account to illustrate how Christians today often go along with the moral pace of those around ...

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Letter to the Editor Spurs Opiate Addictions

In his book Dreamland, journalist Sam Quinones points to one paragraph of false information that helped pave the way for the surge in addicts to the highly ...

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