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Sermon Illustrations about False religion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on False religion to help bring your sermon to life.

Sincere Regret of Celebrities Who Left Cult

The NXIVM cult (pronounced Nex-ee-um), chronicled in HBO’s current docuseries The Vow, is a cult that targeted celebrities so they could recruit ...

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But What if Science is Wrong?

Wrongly applied, science itself can become a religion, and the scientific method a Bible. In But What If We're Wrong?, Chuck Klosterman addresses ...

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Conspiracy Troll Fools Media with Fake FBI Raid

A media provocateur known for spreading outlandish lies recently reported that his friend’s home was raided by the FBI. The seriousness of his claim, ...

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Sammy Hagar on Jesus and the Ten Commandments

After stating that Jesus Christ was “one of the greatest men that ever walked the earth,” rocker Sammy Hagar was then asked: “What do ...

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Loss of Traditional Religion Leads to Rising Interest in The Occult

While the United States is gradually becoming more spiritual and less religious, polls show that belief in the paranormal is on the rise. Polls conducted ...

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Dawn of Modern-Day Animism

On February 26, 2019, a lake became human. For years, Lake Erie has been in ecological crisis. Invasive species are rampant. Biodiversity is crashing. ...

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Elton John Prefers ‘Higher Power’ Over God

In a recent interview with Fresh Air’s Terri Gross, Elton John explains why he prefers a “higher power” over God:

GROSS: You almost left ...

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Crystals: The Reality Behind Booming New Age Healing

Crystals fascinate and mesmerize--opaque, shadowy colors that must hold ancient secrets, carved into angels, birds, or any object that may imbue meaning. ...

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UFOs are Becoming the World’s Next Religion

A new book by D.W. Pasulka, department chair of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina, is titled American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, ...

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The Lighthouse That Wrecked More Ships Than it Saved

For more than forty years a lighthouse stood on a large peninsula jutting into the Tasman Sea in southern Australia. It stood at a place where it shouldn’t ...

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