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Sermon Illustrations about Experiencing God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Experiencing God to help bring your sermon to life.

The Mercy Shop

Imagine an old European city with narrow cobbled streets and storefronts as old as the city itself. One of those weathered storefronts has a sign hanging ...

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A Pastor Who Gives People Loving Attention

New York Times columnist David Brooks writes:

A few years ago, I was having a breakfast meeting in a diner in Waco, Texas, with a stern, imposing former ...

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Are Hypnotic YouTube Edits Getting Old?

There’s a particular trend that has come to dominate videos on social media. It’s called “retention editing,” because of its ability ...

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‘Loneliest Sheep’ Rescued After Two Years

Britain's so-called "loneliest sheep," which was stuck at the foot of a remote cliff in Scotland for at least two years, has been rescued. ...

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Activist Explains Why She Converted to Christianity

Controversial activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali became well known when she published her 2007 memoir Infidel, which was an account of her life as a Muslim woman ...

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Hope or Living Hope?

Admiral William H. McRaven writes about what he learned during Navy SEAL training that has helped him and could help anyone live a better life. Hope. ...

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People Pay to Get Lost on Vacation

Admit it. We’ve all dreamed of escaping our daily routine and walking off into the wilderness to explore the great unknown. The truth is, we all ...

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Where Do Americans Pray and Why?

A recent survey asked Americans what they pray for and where do they pray? The replies showed that they pray for:

Families (51%)

Friends (41%)

Spouses (31%)

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An Atheist’s Dilemma

In an issue of CT magazine, author Jordan Monge shares her journey from atheism to faith in Christ. She writes:

I don’t know when I first became ...

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Good Results from Unpleasant Situations

Texas pastor Tan Flippin was left thanking God, after a cycling accident in 2018 landed him in the hospital with fractures to his hip. His ride that ...

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