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Sermon Illustrations about Evolution

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Evolution to help bring your sermon to life.

How Are Razor Quilled Porcupines Born?

The average porcupine has 30,000 needle-sharp quills, each with 800 barbs at the tip. Usually, these miniature spears lie flat along the back, sides, ...

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Science and the Bible Agree Creation Requires Intelligent Direction

On August 21, 2011, an American software engineer named Jesse Anderson created the Million Monkey project, which featured millions of virtual simians ...

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Astrophysicist on the 'Conflict' Between Science and Religion

Dr. Joel Primack is an American astrophysicist who co-developed what's called "the cold dark matter theory" (which seeks to understand the formation and ...

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As the Human Body Has No Insignificant Parts, So Also the Body of Christ

The three smallest bones in the human body are the middle ear ossicles—the malleus, incus, and stapes—more commonly known as the hammer, anvil, ...

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Third Greatest Physicist of All-Time Believed God Is Creator

A poll conducted by the BBC that surveyed the 100 most prominent physicists, James Clerk Maxwell was voted the third greatest physicist of all time, behind ...

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Atheist's Daughter Dances for Joy to Know that God Exists

Sofia Cavaletti is a researcher who has pioneered the study of spirituality in young children. She finds that children often have an amazing perception ...

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Scientist Argues that the Bible and Science Agree

In his book Amazing Truths; How the Bible and Science Agree, scientist and science writer Dr. Michael Guillen's argues that the Bible's view of the afterlife ...

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Scientist Extols Wonder of Dandelions and All Plants

In his book Star Struck, Christian astronomer Dr. David H. Bradstreet writes:

Our planet is home to some 10 to 14 million species of living things. Consider ...

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Your Brain Is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Your brain is about the size of a head of cauliflower. It looks and feels like a three and a half pound lump of firm tofu. It comprises about two percent ...

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Atheist Finds Christ through Christians and Science

Sarah Salviander is research scientist in the field of astrophysics. A lifelong atheist, Sarah became a theist as an undergraduate physics student, when ...

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