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Sermon Illustrations about Effort

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Effort to help bring your sermon to life.

Child Walked 20 Miles to Obtain a Bible

Mary Jones was about eight-years-old when she became a Christian. Having learned to read, she wanted to own a Bible in her native Welsh language. But ...

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Marines Meet Recruiting Goals with Challenge Pitch

These are dark days for military recruiting.

The Army, Navy, and Air Force have tried almost everything in their power to bring in new people. They’ve ...

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What Makes New Habits Stick?

A landmark study by researchers in the UK found that simple health habits, such as eating a piece of fruit with lunch or running for 15 minutes before ...

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A New Business Rule: Giving 85% Effort

Business consultants are calling it “The 85% rule.” An article in The Wall Street Journal explained how it works:

Are you giving it your all? ...

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Shot Putter Saved Team with Hurdle Run

Sometimes just taking part is what counts. Just ask Belgian shot-put thrower Jolien Boumkwo, who competed in the 100-meter hurdles at the European Athletics ...

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Professor Put Clues to Cash Prize in Syllabus

Kenyon Wilson, a professor at the University of Tennessee, wanted to test whether any of his students fully read the syllabus for his music seminar. Of ...

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A Miracle Cure for Fleshly Desires?

Paul Ford writes in an article on Wired, what happened when he switched his weight loss meds and found a miracle cure. Decades of struggle with an insatiable ...

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NFL Star Expresses the Heart of Our Problem

A high-level NFL star (it’s Tom Brady if you want to use his name) recently expressed the essence of works-righteousness that lurks in all our hearts ...

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Finding Our Prayer Bearings

In a review of Timothy Keller’s book, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, Jen Michel writes:

One summer, my husband and I wanted to teach ...

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Up to Your Neck in Mud? – Sing!

William McRavenwas, commander of US Special Force Command, gave an oft-quoted speech at a university graduation in Texas in 2014. He spoke of his experiences ...

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