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Sermon Illustrations about Education

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Education to help bring your sermon to life.

Farmers Need to Pause and Sharpen Their Blades

Gordon MacDonald writes in "Cut and Sharpen”:

Once, when my wife, Gail, and I were hiking the high meadows of the Swiss Alps, we saw two farmers ...

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Japanese Sword Maker Discusses Craftsmanship and Discipleship

Editor's Note: The beautiful short film behind this illustration focuses on one of the last remaining Japanese swordsmiths. The text below comes from ...

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Research on the Best Methods of Study

Scripture memorization can be a powerful practice that not only helps you to remember a truth but also to understand it better.

This idea draws support ...

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Dallas Willard: Many Have a "Missionary Zeal" for Laughable Conclusions

Individuals with standing in a particular professional field sometimes feel free, or even obligated, to cloak themselves in the authority of their area ...

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Little Boy Just Wants to Go Home

First grade teacher, Linda, shares an interaction she had with one of her students on the first day of school. Accustomed to going home at noon in kindergarten, ...

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An Intellectually Honest Atheist

Fresh from a debate on whether or not humans can be moral without God, author and apologist Dinesh D'Souza offers a few reflections on his sparring ...

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The Teacher Who Couldn't Read

Do you ever feel that if anyone found out the truth about you, you'd be finished? Do you go through life basically trying to convince others that ...

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The Irony of One Man's Anger

Justin John Boudin, a 27-year-old man from Minnesota, pleaded guilty to fifth-degree assault charges for violently losing his temper. Here's the irony: ...

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Campus Counselor Shares Professional Frustrations

In the book Unprotected, an anonymous campus psychiatrist writes:

Radical politics pervades my profession, and common sense has vanished. Dangerous behaviors ...

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Sparking the Flame of Knowledge

Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.

—William Butler Yeats, poet and dramatist, 1865–1939

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