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Sermon Illustrations about Economics

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Economics to help bring your sermon to life.

How Much More Money to Be Happy?

About seven in ten respondents in a survey said they strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement: “Having more money would solve most of my problems.” ...

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‘The American Dream’ is Slipping Out of Reach

The American dream—the proposition that anyone who works hard can get ahead, regardless of their background—has slipped out of reach in the ...

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Bankrupt Grace

Daniel Skeel serves on the faculty of UPenn Law School, specializing in bankruptcy law. In recent years he has been increasingly bold in bringing his ...

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Why Your Bible Was Made in China

Should consumers who worry about the origins of their clothing, coffee, and chocolate focus on a more spiritual item: the Bible? Chances are good that ...

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Generosity Is Not Driven by Income

True or false: In general, bigger donors to churches, ministries, and charities give more because they have more ability to give.

Answer: It’s a ...

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Inflated Giving

Charitable giving went up nearly five percent during the economic trouble caused by record inflation in 2022, according to a Fundraising Effectiveness ...

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Americans Worry About Money Far Too Much

Writing in the Atlantic, author and researcher Arthur C. Brooks says, “Money is one of the things Americans worry about most in the world.” ...

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Desperate Home Buyer Offers to Name Child After the Seller

The pandemic has done a lot of strange things to the global economy over the last 14 months, from creating a massive shortage of semiconductor chips to ...

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Bull Markets Don’t Go to Church

A thriving stock market (measured by the S&P 500 index) doesn’t translate to more charitable giving. According to a decade of data collected ...

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Americans Plan to Scale Back on Holiday Spending This Year

A Gallup poll taken back in October asked Americans to predict how much they’ll spend on Christmas gifts this year. The average came out to $805. ...

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