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Sermon Illustrations about Earnestness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Earnestness to help bring your sermon to life.

Heartwarming Reunion Goes Viral

Steve Burns wasn’t conventionally handsome when he first auditioned to become the host of the Nickelodeon children’s show Blue’s Clues, ...

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The NFL Player Who Scored for the Other Team

NFL lineman Jim Marshall was part of the revered “Purple People Eater” Minnesota Viking defensive line. For twenty seasons he never missed ...

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Blacksmith's Ancient Swords Illustrate Excellence

In his book Deep Work, author Cal Newport provides an example of excellence—a blacksmith from Wisconsin named Ric Furrer. Furrer specializes in ...

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Willing to Lay Down Their Lives for Mars Trip

The non-profit organization Mars One has set the lofty goal of establishing a human colony on Mars by 2027. They plan to send four pioneers as a test ...

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Starbucks' Junkies Get Coffee in Superstorm

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy (unofficially known as "Superstorm Sandy") slammed into the coast of the Northeastern United States. The Category ...

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Doctor Walks Six Miles to Save Patient

As a winter storm rolled over Birmingham, Alabama on January 28th 2014, Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw heard that a patient at Trinity Medical Center had taken a turn ...

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Poet Maya Angelou on Developing Courage

In an interview for Harvard Business Review, the poet Maya Angelou was asked about the most important lessons she learned from her mother. Ms. Angelou ...

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Japanese Students Outlast American Students in Persistence

In standardized math tests, Japanese children consistently score higher than their American counterparts. While some assume that a natural proclivity ...

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Research Shows the Key to Excellence: Long-Term Commitment

Why do some musicians or athletes excel while others remain mediocre? In his book The Social Animal, David Brooks points to current research that reveals ...

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Research Studies on Procrastination

It's no secret that procrastination has a high price tag: it costs money, it undermines relationships, and it lowers job performance. In recent years, ...

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