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Sermon Illustrations about Doubt

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Doubt to help bring your sermon to life.

American Poet Says ‘All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs’

The American poet, Christian Wiman, recently wrote a poem about how all of his friends are finding new beliefs. One turns to Catholicism while another ...

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How a Beatle's Album Answers Objections to the Bible

In an interview about his recent book (2020), apologist Timothy Paul Jones was asked:

In your final chapter, you talk about how one barrier to the faith ...

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We All Have Questions

Before there was the Internet and Google, the only way to find answers to a pressing question was to visit the local library and ask the all-knowing librarian. ...

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Doctor Shares His Journey to Faith Treating End of Life Patients

A recent article in The Atlantic states that as a medical student Dr. Francis Collins found himself moving from agnostic to atheist. Collins said, “I ...

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Top Ten Stressors for Gen Z

According to a 2019 American Psychological Association survey, these are the top ten stressors for Gen Z (roughly age 18-22):

  • Money -- 78 percent

  • Health Issues -- 65%

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Woman Asks for Proof to Verify Officer Identity

When Portland police contacted a woman named Amanda to tell her that they found her previously stolen ID, Amanda wasn’t entirely convinced. According ...

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Getting to the Heart of Conspiracy Beliefs

Over the years belief in conspiracy theories have proliferated in America and in many parts of the world. Some of them include:

-The US government deposits ...

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Take Courage, You Are Not Alone

In C.S. Lewis’ book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a young girl Lucy, her brother Edmund, and their cousin Eustace are taken to Narnia where the ...

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Atheist Christopher Hitchens Discredits Liberal Minister

In 2009, Marilyn Sewell, the retired minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland Oregon, interviewed Christopher Hitchens, one of the most famous ...

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Anxiety Is Now Our Most Common Mental Health Issue

According to data from the National Institute of Mental Health, some 38 percent of girls ages 13 through 17, and 26 percent of boys, have an anxiety disorder. ...

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