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Sermon Illustrations about Desire

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Desire to help bring your sermon to life.

Researcher Claims We Decide Based on Cravings, Not Logic

In his book Predictably Irrational, researcher Dan Ariely claims that most of us are masters at deceiving ourselves and justifying our actions. In particular, ...

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Young Girl Freed from Slavery Returns to Her Pimp

In their Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn report on [the] worldwide slavery [in sex trafficking], ...

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Carelessness Causes Deaths at the Grand Canyon

In his book Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon, Michael P. Ghiglieri chronicles the nearly 700 deaths that have occurred in the Grand Canyon since ...

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Advice from Famous American Architect: Make Big Plans

David Burnham was an American architect who developed the master plans for a number of cities including Chicago and downtown Washington D.C. He also designed ...

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People Don't Change, Even After Heart Surgery

An article from the magazine Fast Company began with the following paragraph:

Change or Die. What if you were given that choice? What if a well-informed, ...

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Timeline Shows How Luxuries Become Necessities

An article from The Atlantic observed that over the past 100 years we have often turned yesterday's luxury products into today's necessities.

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Research Suggests We Want What Others Have

Researcher Robert Cialdini once demonstrated with a fascinating experiment the persuasive power of desiring the possessions or experiences of others. ...

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C. S. Lewis on Killing the "Red Lizard" of Sin

In his book, The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis tells of a busload of people who travel to heaven on their way to take up residence in hell. These people ...

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Information Alone Doesn't Change Behavior

In his book The Social Animal, David Brooks summarizes vast amounts of social science research by stating that "information programs alone are not ...

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Physical Hunger Parallels Our Desire for God's Presence

Author Frederica Mathewes-Green addresses people who hunger for God's presence but rarely feel it—at least not in dramatic ways. She writes:

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