Sermon Illustrations about Conviction of Sin
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Conviction of Sin to help bring your sermon to life.
NBA Teammate Apology Sparks Win Streak
A local NBA beat reporter was surprised to find the local team's winning streak coincided with a confession, an apology, and subsequent forgiveness. Portland ...
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Red Sauce on Suspect's Face Leads to Arrest
Police cited an obvious, telltale clue in the arrest of a Pennsylvania man for theft-red sauce, smeared all over his face and clothing.
Law enforcement ...
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Anonymous Online Confessions Trend Up in Popularity
A trend continues to take place in the online world of anonymity. Several websites offer the opportunity to air one's darkest confessions. Visitors ...
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Research Predicts You're Hiding 13 Secrets
A new study has found that the average person is holding onto 13 secrets, five of which they've never told a living soul. And it's not the secret ...
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Homeowners Remove Alarm Clock from Inside Wall after 13 Years
Thirteen years ago, homeowner Jerry Lynn was trying to figure out where he should put a hole in his wall for a TV wire. He went up to the second floor ...
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Scientific Studies on the Consequences of Secrets
The Bible has a lot to say about confession of sin and confessing our needs to one another. Harboring deep and painful secrets is damaging spiritually, ...
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Can Salted Doorknobs Prevent Superbug Infections?
Who knew that there might be a powerful ally in the modern battle against infectious disease—old-fashioned salt? A recent article from The Atlantic ...
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Study Debunks Legendary 'Five-Second Rule'
Most people have heard of the "five second rule"—that if food spends just a few seconds on the floor, dirt and germs won't have enough time to contaminate ...
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Character in 'Kite Runner' Reflects on Past Failures
Amir is the protagonist of the novel The Kite Runner. Amir's life took a dramatic turn when he failed to rush to the aid of his servant/friend, Hassan, ...
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Woman Accepts Christ After 'Pleasant' Atheism
Nicole Cliffe became a Christian on July 7, 2015, after what she called "a very pleasant adult life of firm atheism." "The idea of a benign deity who ...
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