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Sermon Illustrations about Church Membership

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church Membership to help bring your sermon to life.

Why Detroit Residents Pushed Back Against Free Tree-Planting

The city of Detroit was in a campaign to reforest its streets after decades of neglecting its depleted tree canopy. However, the tree-planters met stiff ...

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I Subscribe, Therefore I Am?

A journalist for the BBC named David Lee recently moved from America to London. Rather than haul his stuff, he said, “I’ve become one of life’s ...

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The Origin of 'Skin in the Game'

According to one story (which may be a legend), in the late 1960s, the now-iconic investor Warren Buffet pried seed money for his very first stock fund ...

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Pit Crew Works as a Team

In 1950, Indy car pit crews consisted of four men—including the driver! No one was allowed to get near the car except this small crew of specialists. ...

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Christians Can Give Church the "Tourist Treatment"

Elyse Fitzpatrick writes in her book “Because He Loves Me”:

A number of years ago, my husband and I had the wonderful opportunity to vacation ...

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U.S. Marine Lieutenant Leads by Example

At the age of 23, Second Lieutenant Karl Marlantes was in charge of 40 marines during an intense battle in the Vietnam War. Marlantes had moved his men ...

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Death by Loneliness

God said from the beginning: "It is not good for man to be alone." Data collected from 148 studies, involving more than 300,000 people, conducted ...

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Looking Behind the Veil of Ordinariness

In his book Practice Resurrection, Eugene Peterson tells the story of a woman named Judith, an artist in textiles. He writes:

Judith had an alcoholic husband ...

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Max Lucado on the Importance of Christian Community

Questions can make hermits out of us, driving us into hiding. Yet the cave has no answers. Christ distributes courage through community; he dissipates ...

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Man Discovers Co-worker Is His Brother

They worked together every day at the furniture delivery company and didn't know. Gary would lift one end of the couch and Randy the other. People ...

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