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Sermon Illustrations about Church Health

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church Health to help bring your sermon to life.

Built on the Rock

Growing up on the Atlantic Coast, I spent long hours working on intricate sand castles; whole cities would appear beneath my hands. One year, for several ...

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Head of the Body

Remember putting your face above a headless frame painted to represent a muscle man, a clown, or even a bathing beauty? Many of us have had our pictures ...

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Overcoming Heart Trouble

The unrest in church politics! "The heart is a stubborn and despondent thing." Stubbornness and despondency--these can only be overcome in prayer. ...

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Worship Tasting

Worship ... fits right into the consumerism that so characterizes American religious life. Church-shopping has become common. A believer will compare ...

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Trivial Pursuit in Church

Trivialization in the church, as in society, results in a loss of the ability to think. Christians are lured to view the world as the world views itself--uncritically ...

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When Good Business Is Bad Business

The church appears to be adopting the principles and practices of big business and finding these practices very effective.

Now there is nothing wrong with ...

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Too Busy to Pray?

If you have so much business to attend to that you have no time to pray, depend upon it, you have more business on hand than God ever intended you should ...

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"The Church Did This to Me"

When I visit newcomers, I try to elicit the-church-did-this-to-me stories, because nearly everybody has one.

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Ministry in the Parking Lot

I learn about the effectiveness of my ministry by watching people in the parking lot rather than in the pews.

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No Respecter of Committees

It's always a constant consolation to me to realize that although God created man and woman there is no recorded testimony that he created committees. ...

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