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Sermon Illustrations about Church & Community

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church & Community to help bring your sermon to life.

Risking All in The Third Century Plague

With the world almost coming to a standstill with the spread of the coronavirus, an example of true sacrifice comes to us from the third century: A group ...

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Church Near Helicopter Crash Site Transformed into Care Center

The Church in the Canyon was engaged in their typical Sunday morning activities routine when its normal routine was shattered by the sound of a helicopter ...

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Harvard Doctor Says Religion May Be a ‘Miracle Drug’

In 2016, Harvard professor Tyler J. VanderWeele and journalist John Siniff wrote a USA Today op-ed entitled “Religion May Be a Miracle Drug.” ...

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Unchurched People Are More Open Than You Think

In 2016, the Billy Graham Center commissioned a survey of 2,000 Americans who don’t actively participate in religion—the “unchurched.” ...

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Man Hosts A Free Thanksgiving Dinner for All Who RSVP

For his first Thanksgiving alone in 1985, Scott Macaulay was thinking that he would have to heat up a frozen turkey dinner and turn on a football game ...

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Pastor Starts Movement to Literally Feed the Flock

When Rev. Heber Brown III started noticing a particular need trending in his church, he did what pastors do – he found a way to spearhead a solution. ...

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Chick-fil-A is Closed Sunday, Except When They’re Not

The American fast food chain Chick-fil-A is a favorite among Christians for the owners’ unwavering stand against Sunday opening. But it turns out ...

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The Early Church Succeeded Where We Are Failing

In a recent book Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock ask significant questions:

Why did the Early Church succeed where we are failing? How did they transform ...

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The Town That Found a Potent Cure for Illness—Community

Frome in Somerset, England has seen a dramatic fall in emergency hospital admissions since it began a new collective project. The source for this medical ...

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I Want To Use a Lifeline

The town of Plains, Kansas (population: 1150), lost their only supermarket in 2001. Now they are fighting to get one back for the town's survival. ...

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