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Sermon Illustrations about Christ, suffering

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ, suffering to help bring your sermon to life.

Jesus Died Like a Garbage-Picker

This quote highlights how Jesus, in his suffering and death, stands in solidarity with any human being who suffers, especially the poor, the forgotten, ...

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Problem of Evil Is Main Reason for not Trusting God

More people point to the problem of evil and suffering as their reason for not believing in God than any other—it is not merely a problem, it is ...

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Pastor with ALS Truly Understands Good Friday

Around his 50th birthday, Pastor Ed Dobson was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. Over time, the ...

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The Koran and the Bible on "God's Wounds"

In his book If I Were God I'd End All Pain, John Dickson recalls speaking on the theme "The wounds of God" at a university campus. After his speech, the ...

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The "Preposterous" Truth of God's Wounds

Christian minister John Dickson once spoke on the theme of the wounds of God on a university campus in Sydney, Australia. During the question time, a ...

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Undercover Investigator Senses God's Sovereignty in a Brothel

In his book God in a Brothel, investigator Daniel Walker recounts his attempts to infiltrate brothels and gather evidence so he could release women and ...

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No Other Religion Proclaims God's Vulnerability

Tim Keller writes:

There is no way to have a real relationship without becoming vulnerable to hurt. Christmas tells us that God became breakable and fragile. ...

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Grieving Father Finds Comfort in Christ's Humanity

In his book Unspeakable, Os Guinness tells the story about a well-known Christian leader whose son had been killed in a cycling accident. Although the ...

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Jesus Suffers with Us in Our Pain

Joe Cumming, a fellow of the Faith and Culture Center at Yale, has a special interest in respectful Christian witness to Muslims, among whom he lived ...

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Christ's Identity Gift

In her book Because He Loves: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life, author Elyse Fitzpatrick writes:

Just in case you're unaware, identity theft occurs ...

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