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Sermon Illustrations about Christ, lordship of

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ, lordship of to help bring your sermon to life.

Playing God

Advances in technology have allowed scientists to come closer than ever to the physical origins of life. But they are as far away as ever from defining ...

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Eugene Peterson on Resurrection's Difficulty

The do-it-yourself, self-help culture of North America has so thoroughly permeated our imaginations that we don't give much sustained attention to ...

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Why We Question The Resurrection

The evidence for Jesus' resurrection is so strong that nobody would question it except for two things: First, it is a very unusual event. And second, ...

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Scholar Awed by African Tribal Creed

As a capstone to his lifelong interest in the central texts of the Christian faith, Jaroslav Pelikan edited (with Valerie Hotchkiss) what could only be ...

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Jesus Comes for Our Mess

Mike Silva writes:

Most people would be a little embarrassed to have unexpected company when their house was a mess. My family was staying at a hotel in ...

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Call Him Superman

If your name was Superman would you expect to get picked on? Swedish tax authorities thought so and declined a request by Sara Leisten to name her newborn ...

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Andrew Greeley on Domesticating Jesus

If Jesus makes you feel comfortable with your agenda, then he's not Jesus…. Once you domesticate Jesus, he isn't there any more.

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Flight Attendant Serves for Christ's Sake

Author and educator, Howard Hendricks, sat in a plane that was delayed for take off. After a long wait, the passengers became more and more irritated. ...

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Twin Towers Survivor Surrenders to God

Genelle Guzman McMillan was the last person to be rescued from Ground Zero alive. She had been trapped in the rubble of what remained of the Twin Towers ...

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Genius Knew Where to Tinker

Charlie Steinmetz had one of the greatest minds in the field of electricity that the world has ever known. In his day no one knew more than he. Steinmetz ...

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