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Sermon Illustrations about Christ, death of

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ, death of to help bring your sermon to life.

If the NY Times Wrote Jesus' Obituary

Sam Roberts, an obituary writer for The New York Times, imagined how the obituary of Jesus would have read if he was writing the obit 2,000 years ago. ...

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Shakespeare's Skull Goes AWOL

Rumors have swirled for years, but the findings of a recent radar scan in Stratford upon Avon, England has led archaeologists to claim more confidently ...

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Karl Barth Retells Legend of the Saved Rider

Karl Barth preached regularly to the inmates of the prison in his hometown of Basel, Switzerland. Knowledge of that context adds poignancy to the sermons. ...

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Finding Christ's Presence in Cancer

On his 39th birthday, poet Christian Wiman was diagnosed with an incurable form of blood cancer. He wrote frankly about the agonizing effects of his illness ...

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People Write Their Biggest Regrets

What's your biggest regret in life? If it's anything like these random New Yorkers, it has one very important word in it. Students from Strayer University ...

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Actress Jessica Alba Rejects Hell and God's Judgment

The magazine Vanity Fair recently (December 2015) published an article on the actress Jessica Alba, which had the following paragraph on Alba's faith ...

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Sylvester Stallone Could Not Save His Son

In the summer of 2012, Sage Stallone, the 36-year-old son of actor Sylvester Stallone, died suddenly of a heart attack. Shortly after Sage's death, his ...

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The Villain on Good Friday: It's Us

Who are the real villains on Good Friday (or the story of Jesus' death)? It's kind of like the kid's TV show Scooby-Doo—that lovable morning cartoon ...

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'Challenger' Engineer Still Regrets Launch that Killed Seven

NPR ran a heartbreaking interview with Robert Ebeling, an engineer who worked on the 1986 Challenger launch that resulted in the death of all seven occupants. ...

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Tim Keller: Christ Took on Our Rejection

No greater pain has ever been experienced on any level than the hell of Christ suffering in this moment. But why? Because he carried all of that pain, ...

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