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Sermon Illustrations about Childlike faith

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Childlike faith to help bring your sermon to life.

Passengers on Sinking Ship Refuse Lifejacket Help

On May 7, 1915, the R.M.S Lusitania, a British ocean liner, was struck by a torpedo from a German submarine. The ship sank in a matter of minutes, killing ...

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Loyal Dog Waits 10 Years for Master's Return

Hachi: A Dog's Tale is a delightful movie based on real story from Japan. When Parker Wilson, a college music professor, steps off his commuter train ...

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Grace Is like Riding a Rollercoaster

Grace is a bit like a roller coaster it makes us scream in terror and laugh uncontrollably at the same time. But there aren't any harnesses on this ride. ...

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The Potency of 'Mustard-Seed' Faith

Like many classic Spanish dishes, a basic dish of paella is a simple combination of just a few ingredients: rice, seafood, and a handful of vegetables. ...

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Scientist Claimed the Internet Would Be a Fad

In 1995, an American scientist named Clifford Stoll boldly predicted that the Internet would be just another passing fad. He wrote an article for Newsweek ...

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Church in Slum Models True Faith

One Sunday I was visiting one of Africa's largest slums, the massive Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya. The conditions were simply inhumane. People lived ...

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Orphan Grasps the Dignity of His New Name

I have two very special friends whose lives have been a blessing to countless children who have been deformed from birth. They have established an orphanage ...

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Young Boy Underestimates His Father's Generosity

Steve DeNeff and David Drury write in “Soul Shift”:

One time, my dad wanted to congratulate me on something I had accomplished in the sixth ...

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Childlike Outlook Promotes Creativity

In his book Imagine, Jonah Lehrer writes about the advantages that come with having a childlike attitude:

Take this clever experiment, led by the psychologist ...

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Prayers from Haitian Christians Express Trust in God

Eleanor Turnbull, a veteran missionary to Haiti, collected and translated the prayers of the Christians who lived in the mountains of Haiti. These profound ...

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