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Sermon Illustrations about Celibacy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Celibacy to help bring your sermon to life.

N.T. Wright: The Bible's Counter-Intuitive Sexual Ethic

In the interview with Jonathan Merritt, N.T. Wright said:

We need to remind ourselves that the entire biblical sexual ethic is deeply counter-intuitive. ...

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Andy Stanley on the New Rules for Sex

Pastor Andy Stanley recently gathered with about 250 singles to answer questions on the topic of love, sex, and dating Attendees were asked to write their ...

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Ghosts from Past Relationships Haunt Marriages

After almost ten years and six children together, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt decided to tie the knot and get married. This isn't just a Hollywood love ...

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Man Reflects on His Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction

Sam Allberry, an Anglican minister from Great Britain, recently shared about his struggle with same-sex attraction. Allberry wrote:

Homosexuality ...

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Tim Keller: We Need an Alternative Vision of Sex

Tim Keller was once asked to identify a few obstacles to revival in the contemporary church. Drawing on his experience in Manhattan, Keller started with ...

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Young Man Reaches Conclusions About His Same-Sex Attraction

Wesley Hill writes movingly about growing up in a Christian home and being taught biblical views on sexuality. And yet, Hill writes, "Confusingly, ...

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Pastor Encourages a Young Woman to Live Celibate

Eugene Peterson shares a story about a completely unchurched young woman who started attending his church and made a genuine commitment to follow Jesus. ...

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Young Man Learns How to Overcome Lust

In his book The Obedience Option, David Hegg illustrates what he calls "overwhelming faith." Hegg was talking to a young man who claimed that ...

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Wendell Berry’s Story about Marital Faithfulness

In his novel Jayber Crow, Wendell Berry tells the story of a gentle barber who opens his shop and then spends the rest of his life in the fictional town ...

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A Young Man Struggling With Homosexuality Finds Hope in Christ

In his book Washed and Waiting, Wesley Hill shares about his struggle with same-sex attraction and his desire to obey Christ and remain celibate. He writes ...

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