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Sermon Illustrations about Busyness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Busyness to help bring your sermon to life.

Are You Easily Distracted?

Do you find yourself distracted? Well, you are not alone. A recent survey on distractions in the workplace found that employees experience an average ...

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Businesses Are Dealing with Millennial Burnout

It was a typical Monday morning at a cloud services company in Denver, except for a weeping 29-year-old project manager crouched in the emergency stairwell. ...

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The Oregon Trail Taught One Pioneer About Sunday Rest

In May, 1853, Phoebe and her husband Holden Judson joined a covered wagon train near Kansas City hoping to reach Washington Territory by mid-October. ...

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New Year’s Resolution: Rediscover Boredom in the Smartphone Age

Smartphones have changed the way we inhabit public space and more specifically, how we fill our time while waiting. Consequently, day-dreaming, thinking, ...

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Man Paid to Queue for the Impatient Rich

Robert Samuel is a 46-year-old former mobile phone salesman who now gets paid to sit in line for others. If a client wants something but can’t stomach ...

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The Great Millennial Blood Pressure Problem

You know the person. You work with them, or you’re friends with them, or maybe you even that person. They are youngish. Fit-ish. Always tracking ...

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4-Year-Old Has ‘Case of the Mondays’

Four-year-old Landry’s reaction to another Monday was video recorded by his home’s outdoor security camera. The lens is focused on the driveway ...

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Gym Classes Focus on New Fitness Goal: Rest

There’s a new trend at gym classes around the country. Americans emerging from more than two years of pandemic are looking for something new in ...

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Ways Your Smartphone Is Changing You

Tony Reinke’s book, 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, makes explicit what many of us feel bubbling under the surface: Quietly, subtly, our phones ...

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Stressed People Pay for Solitude

During the pandemic, many of us turned to smartphones and screens to manage our stress. But as public life opens up again, some are looking for a different ...

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