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Sermon Illustrations about Burdens

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Burdens to help bring your sermon to life.

Heartbreak Hill

There is another reason that we don't persevere. Sometimes we face "Heartbreak Hill." In the Boston Marathon, there is a legendary obstacle ...

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Count-It-All-Joy Parties

I know a pastor in Florida who used to have count-it-all-joy parties every now and then. He so believed this verse, that when he would face a difficult ...

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Devotion as Duty

How many Christians look upon it as a burden and a duty and a difficulty to get alone with God! That is the great hindrance to our Christian life everywhere. ...

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Taking Advantage of the Floor

When life knocks you to your knees--well, that's the best position in which to pray, isn't it?

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The Price of Leadership

Being a leader is wonderful. But it is not without its price.

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Bearing Another's Burden

In the Philippines I heard a local pastor use the following parable to illustrate Christ's offer of rest (Matthew 11:28) and the response of people ...

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We need people who, as a part of their responsibility in life, will carry the burdens and wounds of other people and be outraged by them.

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No Need to Feel Miserable

Often pastors feel guilty if they walk away from a problem and don't feel appropriately miserable. That's neurotic.

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The Reward for Our Labor

Our office is a ministry of grace and salvation. It subjects us to great burdens and labors, dangers and temptations, with little reward or gratitude ...

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Christ Shares Our Burdens

The heaviest end of the cross lies ever on His shoulders. If He bids us carry a burden, He carries it also.

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