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Sermon Illustrations about Born again

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Born again to help bring your sermon to life.

Jack Bivans Unshackled

For decades Jack Bivans has been one of the radio voices on Unshackled!, the radio theater produced by Chicago's Pacific Garden Mission for over 50 ...

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Misbehaving Daughter Sees Need for Conversion

Ken Canfield writes in "The Heart of a Father”:

During a family vacation, Sarah got a little ornery and pushed Hannah.

"Did you push your ...

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"National Geographic" Writer Converted at Alabama Revival

Peter Jenkins began a five-year, 4,500-mile walk across America in October of 1973. First published as two articles in National Geographic, his memoirs ...

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"Titanic": Invitation to Trust

The blockbuster Titanic tells the tale of how, on that ill-fated voyage, Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) won the affection of a wealthy young woman named ...

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Be Born in Us Today

If Jesus were born one thousand times in Bethlehem and not in me, then I would still be lost.

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God Turns Our Lives into Things of Beauty

Over a hundred years ago, in a Scottish seaside inn, a group of fishermen were relaxing after a long day at sea. As a serving maid was walking past the ...

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Down and Out from Beverly Hills

Throughout their history, the Gideons have received letters from people who found and read a Gideon-placed Bible. Here is one such letter from mid-century. ...

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Spiritual Batteries

Yesterday morning I was on the phone with our daughter who lives with her husband in North Carolina. We were having a great conversation. I was using ...

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Taking the Word to Others

In the 1930s in Stavropol, Russia, Stalin ordered that all Bibles be confiscated and Christian believers be sent to prison camps. Ironically, most of ...

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Only the Body Dies

Some day you will read in the papers that D.L. Moody, of East Northfield, is dead. Don't you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more ...

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