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Sermon Illustrations about Boredom

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Boredom to help bring your sermon to life.

Boredom Breeds Sin

Many think the Christian life is prosaic, dull, uneventful. It is anything but that! If it appears that way, it is almost certainly a life out of focus ...

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Fear of a Boring Sermon

I fear preaching in such a way that when people hear about God, they'll want only to yawn.

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Orthodoxy Can Be Boring

Too much of our orthodoxy is correct and sound, but like words without a tune, it does not glow and burn; it does not stir the heart; it has lost its ...

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Is Eternity Boring?

I once led a man to Christ who loved the sunny country of common sense, but he could not put up with the mysteries of godliness. He kept shoving common ...

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The Dawn of Routine

There is an old story about a mother who walks in on her six-year-old son and finds him sobbing.

"What's the matter?" she asks.

"I've ...

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Monotony in You

The monotony of life, if life is monotonous to you, is in you and not in the world.

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