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Sermon Illustrations about Bondage

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Bondage to help bring your sermon to life.

How Dogs and Humans Learn Helplessness

In his best-selling book Essentialism, author Greg McKeown describes how we develop a sense of what’s called “learned helplessness.”

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Advertising Invites People to Cult-Like Devotion

Ad executive Douglas Atkin notes that a transformation has taken place in what's expected of the typical ad executive at a major corporation. Rather ...

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The Empty Promises of Minimalism

The overwhelming international success of Japanese minimalist Marie Kondo speaks to the fatigue and disillusionment many feel in our obsessively consumerist ...

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Doctor Notes Rise in 'Selfie Wrist' Cases

It's a sign of the times--and maybe a sign of our culture. People are taking so many selfies, they're getting "Selfie Wrist." Tina Choi, ...

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Children Prefer Food Covered in McDonald's Wrapper

In a study included in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine children were shown to overwhelmingly prefer the taste of food that comes in McDonald's ...

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Former Inmate Starts to Miss His Prison Cell

Before walking out of jail a free man in February, Albert Woodfox spent 43 years almost without pause in an isolation cell, becoming the longest standing ...

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App Designer Explains How We Get Hooked

How do Silicon Valley tech gurus design a successful app, an app that will hook consumers and then keep them hooked so they keep coming back to the app? ...

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Exotic Zoo Owner Trapped By His Tiger

In states where it's not illegal, it's relatively inexpensive to buy and keep a baby lion or tiger—generally comparable to the price of ...

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The Average Price for a Trafficked Human—$90

Does ninety dollars seem like a lot of money? A new reading tablet or a piece of home fitness equipment might be a steal at that price. On some days, ...

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Freed Slave Says, 'I'll Go with You'

There's a story that has been told from Civil War days before America's slaves were freed, about a northerner who went to a slave auction and purchased ...

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