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Sermon Illustrations about Bondage, Spiritual

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Bondage, Spiritual to help bring your sermon to life.

Who's Master?

Whatever injury wicked men-in-power inflict upon good men is to be regarded ... as a test for the good man's virtues. Thus, a good man, though a slave, ...

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Being Angry with God

It is a bewildering experience to come face to face with the fact that you are angry with the almighty Creator of heaven and earth.

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The Obscured Soul

The fact that Scripture speaks of our present unlikeness to God does not mean that Holy Writ maintains the likeness has been destroyed, but that something ...

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God Never Made Birdcages

The Spirit of God is always the spirit of liberty; the spirit that is not of God is the spirit of bondage, the spirit of oppression and depression. The ...

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Modern Man Is Dead

A man sits in front of a bad television program and doesn't know that he is bored; he joins the rat race of commerce, where personal worth is measured ...

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Addictive Behavior: Disease and Choice

Addictive behavior is both a disease and a choice--bondage and rebellion.

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Slavery to Sin

Social evils such as slavery are wrong, but a greater problem is captivity and enslavement by Satan and sin.

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