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Sermon Illustrations about Attributes of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attributes of God to help bring your sermon to life.

The Swimming Lesson

In an issue of CT magazine contributing editor Susan Wunderink writes:

When I was a swimming instructor, I spent a lot of time trying to get little kids ...

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Top 5 Heresies Among American Evangelicals

American evangelicals’ grasp on theology is slipping, and more than half affirmed heretical views of God in the 2022 State of Theology survey, released ...

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The Good Fear After an Awesome Storm

Suppose you were exploring an unknown glacier in the north of Greenland in the dead of winter. Just as you reach a sheer cliff with a spectacular view ...

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Other Skyscrapers Fall Short of the Burj Khalifa

In his recent book, Paul Tripp describes a trip to the see world’s tallest skyscraper:

Wherever you go in Dubai, you are confronted with the Burj ...

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The God of the Cosmos

Philip Yancey wrote in a blog on the seemingly infinite expanse of space and the smallness of our earth by comparison. The sheer scale is enough to make ...

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Black Hole Discovery: Scientists See the ‘Unseeable’

In May 2022 astronomers announced an extraordinary discovery. They claimed they had pierced the veil of darkness and dust at the center of our Milky Way ...

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Defeating the Darkness of Depression

In an issue of CT magazine author Lily Burana writes how her depression brought her to the brink of suicide until God rescued her.

Lily had always been ...

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Mystery Writer Explains the Wrath of God

In a novel by the British mystery writer P.D. James, a detective shares a common sentiment, saying, “I don’t go for all this emphasis on sin, ...

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God Is Not Out to Get You

In an issue of CT magazine Pastor Jeremy Treat writes:

My high-school basketball coach was a classic, old-school screamer who motivated with fear and shame. ...

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Skier Trusts His Father’s Voice

Jacob Smith, is a 15-year-old legally blind freeride skier. Jacob has extreme tunnel vision--and no depth perception on top of that. What he does see ...

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