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Sermon Illustrations about Atheism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Atheism to help bring your sermon to life.

‘Nones’ Now the Largest Religious Group

When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check “none.” A new study from Pew Research finds ...

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Who Programmed the Computer?

Our existence on a Goldilocks planet in a Goldilocks universe is so statistically improbable that many scientists believe in the multiverse. In other ...

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Activist Explains Why She Converted to Christianity

Controversial activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali became well known when she published her 2007 memoir Infidel, which was an account of her life as a Muslim woman ...

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An Atheist’s Dilemma

In an issue of CT magazine, author Jordan Monge shares her journey from atheism to faith in Christ. She writes:

I don’t know when I first became ...

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Clever DNA Tricks

Every person starts as one fertilized egg, which by adulthood has turned into roughly 37 trillion cells. But those cells have a formidable challenge. ...

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Exploring Why Atheists Converted to Christ

In her book Atheists Finding God: Unlikely Stories of Conversions to Christianity in the Contemporary West, Jana Harmon explored why atheists came to ...

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How An Atheist Became a Christian Theologian

French atheist Guillaume Bignon grew up in a loving family in France. He did well in school and landed a job as a computer scientist in finance. He also ...

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IKEA DIY Illuminates the Wonder of Creation

It is impossible to do justice to the wonder of the creation of the world and everything in it. You and I have to work hard to make anything. Even when ...

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The Proton Is the Most Complicated Thing Imaginable

Democritus suggested that all matter in the universe was made up of tiny, indivisible, solid objects. He called these particles "atomos” which ...

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Only Half of Americans Certain that God Exists

Only half of Americans now say they are sure God exists according to the General Social Survey, conducted by NORC, the research arm of the University ...

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