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Sermon Illustrations about Appearance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Appearance to help bring your sermon to life.

Religion Makes a Bad Cloak

Religion is the best armor a man can have, but it is the worst cloak.

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The Folly of Reorganization

We trained hard ... but every time we were beginning to form into teams we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any ...

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Treasure in the Trash

Craig Randall drives a garbage truck in Peabody, Massachusetts. In a garbage container one day, he noticed a Wendy's soft drink cup bearing a contest ...

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Dressing Room Mirror

A sign on a department store dressing room mirror:

"Objects in mirror may appear bigger than they actually are."

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Searching for Compromise

[Worldly] compromise is so hard to find. It is not an issue that you easily identify, fight, picket, or bomb. It's slippery. It's illusive. It ...

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Impressed with Image

Years ago, there was a master violinist in Europe. He would play in concerts, and he had a magnificent Stradivarius violin, extremely expensive. He would ...

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Angels in Disguise

If angels came in packages, we'd almost always pick the wrong one. Even as the devil is evil disguised as good, angels are goodness disguised. They ...

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The Exercise of Love

Let none pretend that they love the brethren in general, and love the people of God, and love the saints, while their love is not fervently exercised ...

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Spiritual Growth Beneath the Surface

So many times, you can't see anything happening week to week. Spiritual growth takes place beneath the surface.

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The Deepest Needs

Meeting "felt needs" is not enough, because people do not always feel their deepest needs.

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