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Sermon Illustrations about Anxiety

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anxiety to help bring your sermon to life.

The Rise of Prescription Drugs to Treat Everyday Stresses

In her article titled "Listening to Xanax," reporter Lisa Miller chronicles "how Americans learned to stop worrying about worry and pop its pills instead." ...

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Sometimes God Simply Says, "Stop It!"

In his book Your Church Is Too Safe, Mark Buchanan writes:

My favorite YouTube video is a five-minute clip from an episode of The Bob Newhart Show. Bob, ...

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Precipitous Rise in Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in the U.S.

In any given year, 18 percent of Americans will suffer from an anxiety disorder. That's twice the number of those who suffer from depression. If you ...

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Former Basketball Star Jerry West Admits Struggle with Anxiety

In October 2011, hall of fame basketball player Jerry West released a book called West by West: My Charmed, Tormented Life. Instead of using this platform ...

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Young Boy Struggles to Move a Desk Without His Dad's Help

Kyle Idleman writes in “Not a Fan”:

When I started a new church in Los Angeles County, California, I found that I was overwhelmed with pressure ...

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Trapped in an Elevator, Elderly Nun Turns to Prayer

While staying alone in her convent, an 85-year-old Catholic nun got trapped inside a broken elevator for four nights and three days. She tried pushing ...

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The Story of Prayer Behind Jackie Robinson's Baseball Debut

On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson became pro baseball's first black player when he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers. But there's an amazing ...

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Martin Luther King Jr. on Faith

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”

—Martin Luther King Jr.

“This faith transforms ...

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Martin Luther King Jr. Hears Jesus' Promise

Most people know about the passion of Martin Luther King Jr. for racial justice and nonviolent resistance. However, some people aren't as familiar ...

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Psychologist Blames Unhappiness on Uncertainty

Daniel Gilbert (a psychology professor at Harvard) drew from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index and stated that the Index showed "that Americans ...

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