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Sermon Illustrations about Anxiety

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anxiety to help bring your sermon to life.

A Gen Z's Guide to Their Generation

A Gen Z journalist named Rikki Schlott wrote an essay to explain her generation to parents of Gen Z children. She called the essay “her best shot ...

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How Anxiety Became Popular

In an article in The Atlantic, Derek Thompson explores “How Anxiety Became Content.” He reveals that this new “genre” on social ...

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Who Is Doomsday Prepping in America?

U.S. politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders. ...

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People Don’t Trust Government to Prevent Doomsday

U.S. politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders. ...

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Advent Season Portends Hope for Future

In a recent segment on NPR’s Morning Edition, Rev. Cameron Partridge shared about an idea he developed during his years as a college chaplain. "You ...

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Astrology's Rapid Rise to Acceptance

Forty years ago, First Lady Nancy Reagan was ridiculed for bringing astrology to the White House. She consulted a San Francisco astrologer who advised ...

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Americans Well-Rested Only 3 Days a Week

If you’re waking up feeling more exhausted than when you fell asleep, you’re not alone. According to new research, the average American wakes ...

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Stories of Kindness Ease Bad News

Kathryn Buchanan was driving to work when she heard horrific news on the radio: Twenty-two people were killed in a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande ...

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Half of Chicagoans See Gun Violence Before Age 40

Gun violence is an ongoing problem in the city of Chicago. Now, a new study finds 56% of the city’s Black and Hispanic population, and 25% of Whites, ...

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Expert Says Young People Crave Stability

A business professor quoted in the Wall Street Journal noted how Gen Z is craving stability in the midst of anxiety.

Not long ago, a friend who teaches ...

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