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Hey Google, Is There a God?

In April of 1966, Time magazine set off a firestorm of public debate by publishing a cover story asking the question: “Is God Dead?” But looking ...

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Scientists Are Struggling to Understand the Universe

University of Oxford professor of astrophysics Pedro Ferreira is puzzled, as most physicists are, about the origins and basic elements of the universe. ...

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The Church Can Learn Something from Steve Jobs

At a Worldwide Developers Conference Steve Jobs said:

One of the things I’ve always found is that you’ve got to start with the customer experience ...

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American Poet Says ‘All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs’

The American poet, Christian Wiman, recently wrote a poem about how all of his friends are finding new beliefs. One turns to Catholicism while another ...

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Influential Rock Star on the Failures of Rock Music

Peter Townshend is a singer, songwriter, and co-founder and leader of the rock band The Who. For over 50 years the band has been widely considered as ...

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We All Have Questions

Before there was the Internet and Google, the only way to find answers to a pressing question was to visit the local library and ask the all-knowing librarian. ...

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Man’s Desire for Wisdom from Above

Anna Merlan is an American journalist who specializes in politics and religion. In her 2019 book, Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists, she ...

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Scientific Magazine Gives Bleak Answer to Question about the Meaning of Life

An issue of the highly regarded science magazine New Scientist asked several basic philosophical questions and attempted to give answers from a strictly ...

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Science Can't Provide Solution for the Deepest Need of the Heart

Consider this comment a girl posted on an atheist website:

I'm confused ... I always believed science would be the cure-all for my problems, but I ...

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Poll Asks: 'Can Religion Solve Today's Problems?'

In 1957, a time of greater religious commitment in the United States, 82 percent of Americans said that religion could answer all or most of the day's ...

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