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Sermon Illustrations about Affirmation

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Inventor of the Big Mac Just Got a Plaque

In April 1967, hamburger lovers in Uniontown, Pennsylvania met a newer, bigger burger—it was called the Big Mac, and for 45 cents it delivered, ...

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The Peculiar Journey of a Message in a Bottle

A glass bottle washed up on the beach, a decades-old note inside: sounds a bit like a movie, right? For Clint Buffington, that situation turned into a ...

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Study Concludes Gratitude Strengthens Marriages

The key to a happy and lasting marriage might be as simple as regularly expressing gratitude. So report researchers from the University of Georgia in ...

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Student Reaches Out to 'Invisible' Campus Employees

A business student from Georgetown University gave a friendly nod to the night-shift janitor who was working in his study room. Today, that student—Febin ...

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Bruce Springsteen's Dad Can't Say 'I Love You'

For 50 years, the rock icon Bruce Springsteen has turned his struggle into songs, his unrest into performance. In his 2016 memoir, Springsteen tries to ...

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The Power of Touch for NBA Teams

Dr. Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology and the scientific adviser for Pixar's film Inside Out, claims that human touch is the "the foundations ...

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Pro Soccer Player Made Soccer His God

In his article titled "Professional Soccer Was My God," former pro soccer player Gavin Peacock writes:

I was never going to be tall, so my dad ...

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Actor Ben Affleck Reflects on Our Brokenness

In an interview in The New York Times, award-winning actor Ben Affleck reflected on the pressure to hide our broken areas. When he watches other movies ...

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The Gift of a Good Father

Mitch Albom, the author of the international best-seller Tuesdays with Morrie, wrote a short article for Father's Day titled "When did fathers ...

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Elton John's Search for His Father's Love

In an interview with Rolling Stone, singer Elton John reflected on his father: "They wouldn't hold you, they wouldn't say they loved you. ...

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