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Sermon Illustrations about Abundant life

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Abundant life to help bring your sermon to life.

Only 13% Are Actively Engaged at Work

Gallup once polled people in 142 countries to respond to a series of statements designed to measure employee engagement—involving matters like their ...

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Retiree Says, ‘I Can Do Whatever I Want’

In 2021, Rayner Conway was downsizing her four-story, 3,500-square-foot home to a condo less than half the size when her husband of 50 years died unexpectedly. ...

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Americans are Seeking ‘Meaningful Work’

Author and researcher Bruce Feiler crisscrossed the country, trying to understand the roots of shifting attitudes towards work. He collected 400 extensive ...

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Questioning the Meaning of it All

A recent Aperture video gives a concise overview of absurdism: the philosophical theory that existence in general is absurd. It begins with the Greek ...

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What It's Like to Nearly Die of Thirst

Kenneth E. Bailey, who spent 40 years living and teaching New Testament in Egypt, Lebanon, Jerusalem, and Cyprus, writes:

While living in the south of ...

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Two Stories Vying for Attention in Our Hearts

Author and pastor Mark Sayers says there are two stories competing for our minds and hearts. The first story is broadcast loudly across pop culture, social ...

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Survey Shows Americans’ Happiness Plunge

The General Social Society is a gold standard poll that has been tracking Americans’ attitudes since 1972. In about three years (2018 to 2021), ...

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For Many, the World Lacks any Discernible Truth

The popular Pursuit of Wonder YouTube channel (almost two million subscribers) gives an excellent concise insight on Existentialism. One segment is noteworthy: ...

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Restless Activity for Fear of Missing Out

Paris. The Grand Canyon. The Great Barrier Reef. The Pyramids of Giza. According to a TV show a few years ago, these are four of the fifty things you ...

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What Is the Goal of Life?

What is the goal of life? To accumulate the most money. This is what one can learn from reading the obituary of Reuben Klamer, the creator of the board ...

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