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Don't Let Minor Upsets Rob You

In a classroom full of students, a professor asked: “If you had $86,400.00 and someone stole $10.00 from you, would you throw away the $86,390.00 you still have to try and get your $10.00 back? Or would you just let it go?” The students all said they would let it go.

Then he told them, “You have 86,400 seconds every single day and this time is much more valuable than money. You can always work for more money, but once a second passes you can never get it back.”

“Every time someone upsets us, it probably took 10 seconds, so why do we throw away the other 86,390 seconds worrying about it or being upset. We all make this mistake and it is time to start letting the little things go."

Source: Kyle Shipman, Facebook.com (2-2-17)

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