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Woman Reaches Out To Women in Sex Industry

Editor's Note: Caroline is a young Christian woman who serves in a ministry called New Name which reaches out to women involved in "the sex entertainment industry." She shared this powerful story of her conversations with one of the women she contacted:

On May 15th 2016, I celebrated three years of sobriety and my new life in Christ. After years of alcohol abuse and prescription pill abuse, I finally stopped running and gave my life to him. Since getting sober, I've had the opportunity to volunteer with New Name. I lead a chapter on the south side of Chicago and conduct a call center and spa outreach. While conducting the call center, I have seen a range of responses: a few women are grateful for the call but the majority respond by hanging up on us or telling us to get lost.
But one woman in particular stands out to me. She responded to my initial text by calling me the "b-word," telling me that she had sold her soul to the devil a long time ago, and that faith in God is like believing in the tooth fairy. She told me that I could never save her. Before responding, I paused and prayed. Then I texted her back and shared my struggles with alcohol and drug abuse. I told her that I could never see myself standing over her in judgment. I also shared how Christ had shown mercy to me. In subsequent texts she started to soften and open up. She even agreed to meet with us! At that meeting we were able to listen and show Christ's love to her.
Her story is not over and I pray God will break the chains that bind her and give her the courage to walk away from her familiar lifestyle. I know all too well how challenging and impossible it can seem, but I will continue to speak truth and bring the light to these women, regardless of the reaction or outcome. I know I alone can't save anyone but I do know the one who can and I want everyone to know Jesus!

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