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Actor Nick Nolte's Advice on Failure

When asked by GQ magazine about the best advice he has to offer, actor Nick Nolte said,

This is going to sound strange, but my best advice is to accept losing. It's the grandest thing you can do. We as a culture think it's a terrible thing to lose, but it's only through losing that we grow. We don't grow by winning. … But our culture glorifies winning, so to accept losing is the opposite of everything we're taught.

Sometimes our greatest losses can become our most profound teachers. … I'm not saying you should strive to lose or that you have to lose all the time. It's great to win. But a fair amount of losing is what makes us progress as people. You learn acceptance and humility. You learn how to find happiness.

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Chuck Colson: God Used My Greatest Defeat

Chuck Colson said in a sermon:

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Field Goal Kicker Learns from His Greatest Misses

On August 31, 2002, Phil Brabbs, a placekicker with the University of Michigan, lined up for the most important field goal attempt in his career. With five seconds left on the clock ...

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