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Please Move to the Texting Lane

Imagine you're walking along a crowded a street and you get stuck behind that guy who thinks he can actually walk and text at the same time. There's no way to get around this deluded fool, so you keep looking at your watch, blaming this road hazard for making you late to your next appointment. Well, Utah Valley University students will no longer have that excuse as the school painted a texting lane on one of their busiest stair cases on campus.

Matt Brambough, creative director at Utah Valley University said this about the project: "But (preventing collisions) isn't the reason we did it—we did it to engage the students. It's meant to be there for people to look at and enjoy." That means the students will actually have to look up from their phones to enjoy it. It is amazing the things we miss when our faces are always buried in our phones, including people.


Michael Rosen, “Utah Valley University creates a 'texting lane' for busy staircase,” Splinter (6-16-15)

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