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God Causes Us to Take Risks?

Have you ever had a desire to live on the edge? To take a chance and try something risky? Ever wanted to jump out of an airplane or go bungee-jumping? This may be a result of your view of God. According to research published in Psychological Science, those who see God as a protector and someone who will watch over them can be more willing to engage in risky behavior.

A summary of the research reported, "In a group of online survey studies with nearly 900 participants, the researchers found that people who were reminded of God—either by working on word scrambles that included God-related words or by reading a paragraph about God—were more willing to engage in various risky behaviors than those participants who weren't prompted to think about God."

Possible Preaching Angle:

Maybe your desire for danger is actually grounded in the safety and comfort of God.


Kristin Laurin and Jonathan Levav, “Thinking of God Makes People Bigger Risk-Takers,” Psychological Science (2-26-15)

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