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50 Percent of Americans Want to Move to Another State

New research shows that many of us really do believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Researchers for Gallup measured residents' interest in moving out of state by asking, "Regardless of whether you will move, if you had the opportunity, would you like to move to another state, or would you rather remain in your current state?" Based on the responses, it looks like Americans have a contentment problem. Gallup reported that 33 percent of all survey participants want to move to another state, according to the average of the 50 state responses. Seventeen states come close to that 50-state average. Another 16 are above the average range, including three states populated with people showing an especially high desire to move.

But does that mean these unhappy residents will take the initiative to pack up and move? Probably not. "In the same poll, Gallup asked state residents how likely it is they will move in the next 12 months. On average across all 50 states, [only] six percent of state residents say it is extremely or very likely they will move in the next year, eight percent say it is somewhat likely, 14 percent not too likely, and 73 percent not likely at all."

In other words, it appears that many of us would rather complain about our lot in life than actually take action to improve it.

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